Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Melancholy January

I tried. I tried really, really hard to be optimistic about January. I tried SO hard to manifest spring-time that I made myself violently ill and was out of work for a total of 5 days spanning two weeks. And on top of that, Heath Ledger goes and dies. I know tragedy is everywhere and there are global occurances of genocide, disease, goes on and on and on. Sometimes its all too big to wrap your head around. But for some reason, hearing about the loss of a truly talented and seemingly gentle and kind young soul like that was just so sad and depressing. He passed on the anniversary of my Grandma's death. Happy January 22. Not really.

But then again...

My cousin Brandy had her first baby. A little 6 lb darling named Jake. on January 22. So there's the happy I was looking for. Thank god for Baby Jake. He got in right under the wire and redeemed January.

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