Tuesday, February 19, 2008

3 shall be the count, and the count shall be 3.

For a whole day I considered adopting a pound puppy. Gunther could use a friend and a stray dog could use a home. But then, Gunther ate another pair of my shoes (sneakers this time) and so the count of this household shall remain at 3.
Perhaps when we dont live in an attic apartment, 4 would be a more appropriate number.
I feel guilty that I havent adopted a dog. It must be how Angelina Jolie feels everytime she gets pregnant. She has a 3:1 ratio so far. So, if she's pregnant again, we can expect her to adopt 3 more international orphans by 2010. God bless that woman, at least she's consistent. I do feel for Jen Aniston sometimes, but then again...none of these people know I exist so my thoughts are void and I dont even know why I wrote this paragraph. I do this sometimes. Oh well.

Some good news is that winter seems to be moving along at a fast pace. February is almost over, then March, then some rain in April..and voila! Spring. I must be growing up because Im already planning my flower garden. Im going to get ambitious with some wisteria and morning glories and a trellis. So, expect an entry in May about a tragedy involving some wisteria, morning glories, and a trellis.

Maybe I'll just buy some fresh cut flowers and stick them in the soil outside and try to fool myself.

Sounds good.

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